How can I impregnate my boat cover? Is your boat cover no longer waterproof? Or do you just want extra protection against fungi, green deposits and polluted water? With these instructions for use and our professional impregnating...
How can I remove mold on the inside of my boat cover? Do you have mold on the inside of your boat cover? White mold or the well-known "weather spots"? That's fine to remove yourself. Follow the steps in this manual. We...
How can I clean my boat cover? Step-by-step plan and instructions for use Cleaning your boat cover yourself is very important. A clean boat cover attracts less dirt, mold and algae. And the impregnating agent adheres better to a clean boat cover. Clean...
How can I make boat cover seams waterproof? Are the stitching of your boat cover no longer waterproof? Is water leaking through the seams? Waterproofing the seams of your boat cover is easy without a special seam sealer....
Enjoy hiking with these 10 helpful hiking tips Hiking means relaxing and enjoying beautiful places. And with these tips, it will be even more fun!
Safety in and around the tent. Tips for safe camping An accident is in a small corner. Therefore, always think about safety when camping.
The 7 most beautiful sailing routes in the Netherlands The Netherlands has a lot of beautiful sailing routes. I have looked up a number of toppers for you.
Maintenance of walking shoes. Practical tips! If you do a lot of walking, good walking shoes are a must. Good maintenance is also necessary here.
Clean and impregnate convertible roof. Use Ultramar's 3-step plan A convertible roof requires maintenance. Follow Ultramar's handy 3-step plan for best results.
The ultimate holiday checklist for a carefree summer No suitcase-packing stress this summer with this practical and complete holiday checklist.
Sailing with children; the best tips Sailing with your baby, toddler or preschooler? I give you tips to make sailing with children easier.