Most convertible cloth types are of good quality. Unfortunately, this does not mean that the cloth is immune to dirt. Many convertible tops and soft tops are, for example, from brands such as Sonnenland, Landmark, Twillfast or Stayfast. Good quality, but maintenance is and remains necessary.
If you don't do anything to the roof for a while, it is probably full of stains. I sometimes see roofs where at first sight I think: nothing to do with it anymore. Neglected until. Fortunately, I know - that with the help of the right products - the most extreme pollution can be removed.
What kind of pollution do you have on your soft top?
- Black Rain Stripes
- White spots from bird droppings
- Small spots due to resin from trees
- Other Nasty Stains
Cabriodak - mold
Preventing convertible roof pollution
Is that possible? For a large part yes. You can prevent pollution with the following tips:
- Clean the convertible roof after every ride.
- Park the convertible in the garage or under the carport.
- Impregnate regularly.
- Do not park under trees.
- Raise the hood after every ride.
- Do not use aggressive standard cleaning agents.
Don't wait too long to clean
There will come a time when cleaning is no longer possible. So don't wait too long. If you really do not do any maintenance for years, the dirt will penetrate too deeply into the fabric. Over time, the pollution accelerates, because dirt attracts dirt. Dirt also attracts moisture and increases the risk of mould. Clean the roof regularly with water and a brush. Impregnate the fabric a few times a year and maintenance will cost you little time and effort.
Cleaning convertible roof
Regular cleaning is therefore recommended. What is the most convenient way to clean the convertible roof? Read the tips below:
Use a suitable brush
Clean regularly with lukewarm water and a soft, but firm brush.
Don't just grab a brush from the garage that you happen to have lying around. I recommend a soft brush to clean your convertible top. Preferably one with split ends. The brush should not be too hard, otherwise you will damage the top layer and the stitching. Too soft is also not useful, because then nothing happens. Do you notice that the brush is dirty after cleaning? Just run it in the dishwasher for a while.

Ultramar borstel
Do not clean with green soap
Do you ever browse a forum about convertibles? There is a good chance that they will advise you to clean the convertible top with green soap. That's such a shame! So what's the problem with that green soap? An innocent remedy, right? In most cases this is certainly true, but the problem is that green soap is very difficult to rinse out. No matter how often and no matter how well you rinse, there will always be a residue on the cloth. Try this out. If you've ever had green soap on your hands, you probably know what I mean. Even if you keep your hands under the tap for a while, the hands will still feel greasy for a while. This greasy layer on the canvas is precisely the problem. This attracts algae, dirt and mold. It is also disastrous for the impregnating agent.
Use suitable cleaning agents
So green soap is not useful, but what is? First of all, tracking is important. If you regularly clean the convertible, then all you need is water and a brush. Still annoying stains that cannot be removed with just water? Then take a suitable shampoo. What requirements must this product meet?
- It should foam nicely; if you've ever used convertible cleaners, you've certainly noticed: there was hardly any foam. How do you know if all the shampoo has been rinsed properly from the cloth? A good shampoo should therefore foam. Thorough rinsing and rinsing is important for impregnation.
- It must be suitable for every type of cloth.
- It must be matched to the impregnating agent. Impregnation is at least as important as cleaning. This is precisely how you protect the canvas. If you now use a cleaning agent from one manufacturer and an impregnating spray from another supplier, these agents can collide. At Ultramar, all products are coordinated with each other.
Rather not go to the car wash
Just to the car wash, the machines do their job and you're done. Just as easy right? Unfortunately, it's not that simple. I even advise against the special convertible car wash. Why?
- Risk of leakage; the canvas consists of several layers. These are glued together with special glue. This glue can come loose after a few turns in the car wash.
- Damages the protective coating of the cloth.
- Plastic rear window can be damaged.
Be careful with the high-pressure cleaner
The best way to clean a convertible top is to brush it with a soft brush, a good cleaner and plenty of lukewarm water. Of course, that always takes some effort and time. Spraying vigorously with a high-pressure cleaner is an attractive option.
Yet that is not the way. Spraying easily creates spray stripes. Those stripes are almost impossible to remove. There is also a very good chance that you will spray the coating and the stitching. Do you still want to use a high-pressure cleaner? Then only use it for rinsing. The power of the water jet should not be stronger than that of a shower head.

Impregnate convertible roof
Impregnate your dust roof annually and it will last for years longer. In addition, your roof looks much nicer when it is impregnated. Which impregnating agent do you use? Everything is for sale. Unfortunately, not every product protects against bird droppings, UV light and dirt. So save yourself this effort and costs for nothing. Use Ultramar impregnation and follow the 3-step plan. You are then guaranteed to enjoy a well-protected soft top again. When is the best time to impregnate? How often? I'll give you some tips:
- At least once a year, preferably more often.
- After cleaning. Cleaning is necessary, but cleaning products do affect the existing impregnation. You can restore this by impregnating again immediately after cleaning.
- When you do not use the convertible for a while; the hood often gets dirty when the convertible is standing still for a while. Are there traces of fungi, algae and moss on the roof and you do not treat the canvas? There's a good chance you won't know what you're seeing months later. The algae and fungi had plenty of time to grow quietly.
- Especially impregnate the inside of the convertible roof. This side is especially vulnerable. You may encounter weather stains and mold on the inside. Impregnation prevents this. At least once a year impregnate with a good impregnation spray!
Cleaning the convertible roof yourself is guaranteed to be possible with the help of a 3-step plan
With the 3-step plan we clean more than 2000 convertible tops every year! No matter how dirty your roof is, our cleaning products are guaranteed to work. Request the step-by-step plan for free and enjoy your clean convertible top. Of course, your hood will last for years longer if you maintain it properly.
Step 1: Clean the convertible top with Sprayhood & Tent Shampoo
- First clean with lukewarm water. Use a soft firm brush.
- Apply Sprayhood & Tent Shampoo to the wet cloth.
- Brush off the dirt well. Use a plant sprayer to distribute it evenly.
- Let the shampoo act for about 20 minutes.
- Remove shampoo and dirt with a brush and plenty of water by rinsing and brushing. Rinse well.
- Now let the roof dry a bit.
- Is there still pollution to be seen? Then continue cleaning with Power Cleaner. See step 2.
Step 2: Remove heavy pollution with Power Cleaner
- Apply Power Cleaner to the convertible top and rub in with a soft brush. Use the spray or plant spray again.
- Leave to act for about 1 hour. Don't see any change? Spray extra Power Cleaner, brush and let it work again. Repeat these steps until the stains are gone. This can sometimes take several hours. Then rinse well.
- Now let the soft top dry thoroughly.

Cabriodak - Ultramar Power Cleaner
Step 3: Impregnate the convertible top with Sprayhood & Tent Protector
- Apply Sprayhood & Tent Protector liberally and evenly. Also use on the inside of the roof! This gives you better protection against mold and weather spots on the inside.
- Sprayhood & Tent Protector not on windows or paint etc. allow to dry, but remove immediately with a damp cloth.
- Let the roof dry thoroughly. possibly repeat the treatment.
- Are there drops of impregnating agent on the windows? Just wipe with a little bit of benzene.
- Then clean the windows with Ultramar Sprayhood & Tent Shampoo.

Cabriodak than reiniging
Advantages step-by-step plan
The advantages of the 3-step plan for you at a glance:
- Simple and simple
- You absolutely do not need any experience, anyone can do this.
- The products themselves do the work.
- Professional result
- Even suitable for very heavy soiling.
- Field tested for 20 years.
Guaranteed safe
The 3-step plan is suitable for almost all types of convertible cloth, but I would like to give you the following advice:
- Always try a small piece of the cloth first. This is to prevent discoloration of the coating on the inside. The chances of this happening are minimal, but I hear it very occasionally. This concerns foreign cloths that are of lower quality.
- Never mix Power Cleaner with ammonia. It's no use, but you also run the risk of inhaling poisonous gas.