Why your outdoor gear takes a beating
Your outdoor gear may seem indestructible, but invisible wear and tear can cause your jacket, shoes and backpack to perform less well. Dirt, sweat and sunlight damage materials, reducing waterproofness...
With this benefit package, you get everything you need to thoroughly clean and impregnate your boat canopy, awning, convertible roof several times at once.
✅ 5 L Sprayhood & Tent Shampoo
✅ 5 L Sprayhood & Tent Protector
✅ 1 L Power Cleaner
✅ 400 ml Plastic Window Cleaner & Protector
✅ Soft Brush
✅ 1 L Spray
Your outdoor gear may seem indestructible, but invisible wear and tear can cause your jacket, shoes and backpack to perform less well. Dirt, sweat and sunlight damage materials, reducing waterproofness...
Een goed onderhouden schutting geeft je tuin een frisse en verzorgde uitstraling. Zonder onderhoud wordt hout snel grijs, vuil en vatbaar voor groene aanslag. Gelukkig kun je met schoonmaken, drogen...
We hebben fantastisch nieuws! Ultramar is nu officieel verkrijgbaar via Decathlon Nederland. 🎉 Dit is een geweldige mijlpaal waar we enorm trots op zijn. Onze premium onderhoudsproducten voor tenten, bootkappen,...
In our special e-books you will find everything you need. Still have questions? Then get in touch with us. Our experts will be happy to help you.
Request a free step-by-step plan by e-mail.
Step-by-step plan Cleaning and impregnating a boat cover
Step-by-step plan Cleaning and impregnating convertible tops
Step-by-step plan Cleaning and impregnating cotton tents
Step-by-step plan Cleaning and impregnating an awning
Step-by-step plan Sail cleaning and coating
Step-by-step plan Sun Shade Cleaning and Impregnation