Why your outdoor gear takes a beating Your outdoor gear may seem indestructible, but invisible wear and tear can cause your jacket, shoes and backpack to perform less well. Dirt, sweat and sunlight damage materials, reducing waterproofness...
Waarom een goed onderhouden schutting de uitstraling van je tuin verbetert Een goed onderhouden schutting geeft je tuin een frisse en verzorgde uitstraling. Zonder onderhoud wordt hout snel grijs, vuil en vatbaar voor groene aanslag. Gelukkig kun je met schoonmaken, drogen...
Ultramar nu beschikbaar bij Decathlon Nederland! We hebben fantastisch nieuws! Ultramar is nu officieel verkrijgbaar via Decathlon Nederland. 🎉 Dit is een geweldige mijlpaal waar we enorm trots op zijn. Onze premium onderhoudsproducten voor tenten, bootkappen,...
Ultramar lowers prices by 10% – Thank you for your trust! At Ultramar, we take pride in providing high-quality products to protect and maintain your boat covers, tents, and other materials. Thanks to your loyalty and enthusiasm in 2024, we’ve experienced...
Do you know why proper tent maintenance can drastically extend its lifespan? Keep Your Tent in Top Condition: Maintenance Tips for Years of Camping Fun A good tent is a loyal companion on all your adventures, but without proper care, it can...
Dirt and wear: Discover how your outdoor gear deteriorates faster than you think Your outdoor gear is your loyal companion during hikes, trekking trips, and camping adventures. But without proper maintenance, your shoes can wear out, your jacket can lose its waterproofing, and...
How do you remove green deposits from your convertible roof? - Practical tips! Have you ever suffered from green deposits on your convertible roof? This problem is more common than you think. Not only is it an eyesore, but it can also be...
How can I waterproof seams? Camping is great, right? The smell of nature, the sound of birds in the morning and the soothing atmosphere of the outdoors. But there is one thing every camper will...
Cleaning and impregnating the awning - how much do I need? When cleaning and impregnating awnings, it is important that you use sufficient impregnation and cleaning agent. Read our tips for the right amount. Use enough to clean and impregnate your...
How can I impregnate sun protection? - Instructions How can I impregnate sun protection? - Instructions Impregnation of your awning will keep it clean for much longer. Read here how you can easily do this yourself. Impregnation of...
How can I clean sunscreen? - Instructions How can I clean sunscreen? - Instructions Cleaning your awning yourself is easy with these instructions for use and recommended products. Enjoy a nice clean sunscreen without green deposits, mold...